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Monday, February 8, 2010

Help Children Enjoy Living a Simple, Happy Life

Childhood Pleasures

By: Julia Helsby

The children who enjoy life the most are the ones who have learnt to recognise the pleasure in the current situation. Those who are constantly striving for the next thing will never be satisfied. As parents we need to show our children how to enjoy life.

Take your time over things; don’t always talk about what is going to happen tomorrow or next week. Allow your child to explore the things around them, remember, the best things in life are free!

When you take your child out for walks or visits to the park in autumn, show them the leaves falling off the trees, and take the opportunity to explain why. Discuss the different types of trees, if you don’t know them – find out! Maybe it will help you to appreciate life more too!

Show an interest in what your child is doing and talk to them about what you are doing also, encourage them to ask questions, you might just be washing up, but use everything you do as a learning opportunity. Why are you washing up? Please resist the urge to say ‘Because no one else will’!

Help your child to develop their thinking and let them help you; they need to know that there are other people in the world besides themselves. A child who sees life as an adventure will not only enjoy life more but they will build up experiences that they can draw on in the future in all sorts of situations.

There are so many fun times that you can share with your child. For specific toy and play ideas see my fact sheet on ‘Playing with your pre-school child’. Remember also that there are a lot of items in your home that will keep your toddler happy safely. When l was busy at home in the kitchen and my toddlers used to seek my attention l would sometimes give them safe saucepans and wooden spoons, they would happily sit on the floor pretending to cook or using them as drums! Try to shut out the noise, it is the sound of your child experimenting and having fun! Surely it is better than the sound of crying.

On a hot day, put a small bowl of water outside (in the shade) give them spoons again and plastic bowls or beakers and watch them play for hours. Allow them to get wet, it really doesn’t matter. Please remember also to supervise children at all times when playing with or around water.

About the Author

Julia Helsby has been teaching children one way or another for over 20 years. As well as having as much fun as possible with her own children, having worked as a teaching assistant and a personal tutor for 8 years.

Julia believes that life is fascinating and fun. We should enjoy it as much as possible and encourage our children and those in our care to do the same. Julia has her own websites at The purpose of the website is to help you to enjoy yourself and your children. I can offer tips and advice but the important thing to remember is no one knows your child better than you.

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Article Source: - Childhood Pleasures

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